Senin, 30 Maret 2009


Sudoku (数独 sūdoku) merupakan permainan logika yang [katanya] bisa melatih otak. Dan bahkan bisa mengurangi resiko terkena penyakit Alzheimer. Papan permainannya terdiri dari 9 buah kotak besar, yang masing-masing dibagi menjadi 9 kotak kecil (cell). Tugas kita adalah mengisi kotak - kotak tersebut dengan 9 simbol yang berbeda-beda. Simbol tersebut biasanya berupa angka 1-9, bisa juga berupa alfabet A-I, warna, simbol, gambar binatang, dll.



A Sudoku puzzle...
...and its solution numbers marked in red.

Sudoku (数独 sūdoku?) Sudoku.ogg listen is a logic-based,[1][2] combinatorial[3] number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid.

Completed puzzles are usually a type of Latin square with an additional constraint on the contents of individual regions. Leonhard Euler is sometimes incorrectly cited as the source of the puzzle, based on his related work with Latin squares.[4]

The modern puzzle was invented by an American architect, Howard Garns, in 1979, and published by Dell Magazines under the name, "Number Place."[5] It was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number.[6] It became an international hit in 2005.[7]


more about SUDOKU

Sudoku (数独 sūdoku?) Sudoku.ogg listen is a logic-based,[1][2] combinatorial[3] number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contains the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each. The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid.

Completed puzzles are usually a type of Latin square with an additional constraint on the contents of individual regions. Leonhard Euler is sometimes incorrectly cited as the source of the puzzle, based on his related work with Latin squares.[4]

The modern puzzle was invented by an American architect, Howard Garns, in 1979, and published by Dell Magazines under the name, "Number Place."[5] It was popularized in 1986 by the Japanese puzzle company Nikoli, under the name Sudoku, meaning single number.[6] It became an international hit in 2005.[7]

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